
Today's poem is "The beautiful American word, Sure"
from Suture

Black Lawrence Press

Simone Muench is the author of six full-length books including Lampblack & Ash (Sarabande, 2005), Orange Crush (Sarabande, 2010), Wolf Centos (Sarabande, 2014), and Suture, a collaborative book of sonnets written with Dean Rader, (Black Lawrence Press, 2017). Her chapbook Trace received the Black River Chapbook Competition (Black Lawrence Press, 2014). Some of her honors include a 2013 NEA fellowship, two Illinois Arts Council fellowships, the Marianne Moore Prize for Poetry, the Kathryn A. Morton Prize for Poetry, and residency fellowships to Yaddo, Artsmith, and VSC. In 2014, she was awarded the Meier Foundation for the Arts Achievement Award, which recognizes artists for innovation, achievements and community contributions. She received her Ph.D from the University of Illinois and is Professor of English at Lewis University where she teaches creative writing and film studies. Currently, she serves as chief faculty advisor for Jet Fuel Review and as a poetry editor for Tupelo Quarterly.

Other poems by Simone Muench in Verse Daily:
August 13, 2012:   Two poems "Under somber firs two wolves mingled..."
March 23, 2010:   "A Captivating Corset" "We look for refuge but drift to damage..."
November 21, 2005:   "Pretty White Dress" " Hey ladybird lurking..."
August 16, 2005:   "Drowning by the Light of Oranges "I pinned a star..."
July 23, 2003:  "The Melos of Medusa" "I once was a beautiful woman..."

Books by Simone Muench:

Other poems on the web by Simone Muench:
"The OED Defines Red-Hot"
"Wolf Cento"
Three poems w/Dean Rader
Two poems
Two poems

Simone Muench's Website.

Simone Muench According to Wikipedia.

Dean Rader's Works & Days, won the 2010 T. S. Eliot Prize, and Landscape Portrait Figure Form (2014) was a Barnes & Noble Review Best Poetry Book of the Year. He is the editor of 99 Poems for the 99 Percent: An Anthology of Poetry and the winner of the 2015 George Bogin Award from the Poetry Society of America. A new collection, Self-Portrait as Wikipedia Entry (2017) appeared from Copper Canyon. Rader writes and reviews regularly for The San Francisco Chronicle, The Rumpus, The Huffington Post, Ploughshares and The Kenyon Review. He is a professor at The University of San Francisco, where, in 2011, he won the University's distinguished research award. Poems co-written with Simone Munech from Suture (Black Lawrence Press, 2017) have appeared or will appear in American Poetry Review, Blackbird, Zyzzyva, Handsome, The Economy, Columbia Poetry Review, New American Writing, DMQ, Dusie, and many others and have been nominated for Pushcart and Best of the Net Awards.

Other poems by Dean Rader in Verse Daily:
March 13, 2017:   "America, I Do Not Call Your Name without Hope" "America, I do not call your name without hope..."
January 11, 2011:   "Ocean Beach at TwiIight: 14" "Who's to say the stars understand..."

Books by Dean Rader:

Other poems on the web by Dean Rader:
Three poems w/Simone Muench
"Relational Self Portrait"
Four poems
"American Self-Portrait"
"Sitting in the Cell Phone Waiting Lot at the San Francisco Airport, Awaiting My Fatherâ??s Arrival, I Write a Poem on the Day of Princeâ??s Death"
Two poems

Dean Rader's Website.

Dean Rader According to Wikipedia.

Dean Rader on Twitter.

Dean Rader on Facebook.

About Suture:

"Suture is a triumph. Here, two powerful and idiosyncratic poetic forces unite to create something utterly unique: a rare and pulsating lyrical conversation. With vibrating sonnets that shape shift and sounds that knock the sleeping bones awake, these poems allow us to understand we are all stitched to one another through language."
—Ada Limón

"The endurance of the sonnet sequence over the centuries is in no small measure due to a paradox: it is a form that revels both in its fluidity and in its structural exactitude. The sonnet sequence is also apt to engage us because it is typically an expression of solitary yearning, just like the blues. Petrarch longs for his unattainable Laura; Son House laments his dead beloved. In Suture, Simone Muench and Dean Rader turn this latter convention of the sonnet sequence on its head, transforming a mode that seems predicated on an essential loneliness into a collaborative effort, one that is rambunctious, wry, companionable, jittery; and, above all, emotionally capacious. Muench and Rader write with an elegant but mysterious synchronicity—like octet and sextet. "
—David Wojahn

"You can spend too much time, while reading collaborations, trying to figure out who wrote what, or worse—you can't help but see it, through the seams and stitchery. But these poems are smooth as can be. Muench and Rader, collaborating not just together but with the first lines of other poets, have created or found (who cares?) a beautifully singular voice that pushes back gently every time you pause to wonder 'How was this made?' Very quickly you stop asking and find yourself halfway through this excellent book."
—Matthew Rohrer

"This witty, ingenious book of sonnets casts the shadow of affection and the light of collaboration on a hallowed traditional form. There is a great deal to enjoy and even more to learn from the way Simone Muench and Dean Rader come sideways at the sonnet, using improvisation, found lines and sheer invention. They put old lines into conversation with new ones, and fresh approaches at angles to conventional usage. The result is subversion, disruption and delight."
—Eavan Boland

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