
Today's poem is "Agapornis Personata (Masked Love Birds)"
from Lark Apprentice

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Louise Mathias was born in 1975 in Bedford, England, and grew up in England and Los Angeles. Her poems have appeared in journals such as Boulevard, Prairie Schooner, Quarterly West and Epoch. She currently lives in Long Beach, California.

Other poems by Louise Mathias in Verse Daily:

June 4, 2004:  "Stark Heaven"   "Each winter has its inopulent day...."
October 24, 2003:  "Mute Swan"   "(no trumpet) & (no keeper). Save the loyal..."

About Lark Apprentice:

"Lark Apprentice is a debut marked by the careful notation of proof and theorem rather than scrap-sheet desperation, yet why should this result instead in an artifice of calculation and clarity? Because the 'big' questions fortuitously elude the speaker's math: 'Why so long with your disbelief? / Why insist that the life cut short / is worthy of drama? What if the proverbial / night, its angular presence, in time / could be softened, made right? Who, / this late in the game, was equipped for that? Have you always been literal / winter? Couldn't you take a part at a time?' Here, the sum of the parts generates 'such a brutal equation' that there is little difference between 'the longer life' and 'the lush line.' Mathias recognizes the 'lush line' was ever implemented not for the sake of beauty, but to counter the fact that mortal inquiry is always fraught with the danger of temporal collapse."
—Richard Greenfield

"The gestures in the lyric poems of Louise Mathias' Lark Apprentice are as swift and elusive as wings in flight. Always aware of the futility in efforts to settle, these beautiful poems are coerced into motion, pausing only briefly to ponder the secrets of yearning, of loss, and even the cosmos itself.”
—Molly Bendall

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