
Today's poem is by Lynne Potts

Spooling Hum

You know night city's hum rounding Market

to Embarcadero through alley throats,

mouthfuls of trash. You hear soft

whistles of wind over Coke bottles,

muffled cough

of a pillowed bundle on a park bench

as the blanket slips to the blacktop.

Who said it's quiet at night? As though

noise could be calibrated, assigned a color—

honking shade of fuchsia or flopped

awning frayed to decayed-tooth blue,

day noise too cacophonous to be caught

by pitch pipe or tuning fork,

night's long, even pitched-thread

unspooling itself around the world

in a D minor mood.

Copyright © 2017 Lynne Potts All rights reserved
from Mame, Sol, and Dog Bark
The National Poetry Review Press
Reprinted by Verse Daily® with permission

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