
Today's poem is by Abayomi Animashaun

Anecdote of a Goat

There, is one with slackened tie.
Beside him an old paper and a black umbrella.

He is dreaming of his lost love;

A goat with no horns, hooves, and hide.
With the voice of a saddened woman
Her head buried in the wet corners of her blouse.

She is dreaming of a man with horns, hooves, and hides.
Beside him an old paper and an umbrella.

His neck-tie slackened, he too is lost in a dream.

One he'll soon forget: of a man dreaming himself
Loving a goat desperate for a woman dreaming the man.

Copyright © 2010 Abayomi Animashaun All rights reserved
from The Giving of Pears
Black Lawrence Press
Reprinted by Verse Daily® with permission

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