
Today's poem is "Double Exposure"
from Assignation at Vanishing Point

Elixir Press

Jane Satterfield's first collection, Shepherdess With an Automatic, from Washington Writers' Publishing House, was awarded the 2000 Towson University Prize for Literature, given to a single collection by a Maryland author under 40. A Pushcart Prize nominee for poetry and the essay, her awards include a John Atherton Scholarship Prize in Poetry at Breadloaf, the Heekin Foundation's Cuchulain Prize for Rhetoric in the Essay, the John Guyon Literary Nonfiction Prize, grants from the Maryland State Arts Council and Britains Arvon Foundation, and fellowships from the Sewanee Writers' Conference and the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. Her poems and prose have appeared in American Poetry Review, Antioch Review, The American Voice, North American Review, Quarterly West, Massachusetts Review, Countermeasures, and elsewhere; her poetry reviews appear regularly in Antioch Review. Born in England and educated in the U. S., she is an assistant professor at Loyola College in Maryland.

About Assignation at Vanishing Point:

"...How things withstand the gaze"...and bestow upon the gaze its form: Assignation at Vanishing Point takes this generative withstanding as its theme and motive force. Jane Satterfield's poems are fierce in their intelligence, capacious in their ardor, tuned to the mutable dictions and sedimented histories—the gorgeous, harrowing embeddedness of life on earth. The vanishing point? Perspective requires it. This beautiful book redeems it."
—Linda Gregerson

"In her new poetry collection, Assignation at Vanishing Point, Jane Satterfield considers the lives and thoughts of figures as diverse as Anna Akhmatova, Thomas DeQuincey, Petrarch, Simone de Beauvoir, Gustav Klimt, Clare of Assisi, and others, to explore those experiential nether regions in which the personal and the historical intersect. Satterfield's finely honed intelligence, purity of tone, and seriousness of purpose distinguish her from her many contemporaries. When she writes, "I know the future—its steady tug, dark water, storms to sail through," we believe her."
—Elizabeth Spires

"Negotiating distances, intimate or otherwise, Satterfield's poems contain all the other trappings of travel: the snapshots, film, postcards, phone messages ... these ways of keeping the traveling experience long after the experience has passed, these ways of passing the balm of pilgrimage on to others..."
—Michelle Mitchell-Foust

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