
Today's poem is "At 5:45 p.m. before Good Friday on East 18th Street"
from Arbor Vitae

Marsh Hawk Press

Jane Augustine has published three chapbooks, Lit By the Earth's Dark Blood, Journeys, and French Windows, a much-anthologized short story "Secretive," and poems in many literary magazines. Winner of two fellowships in poetry from the New York State Council on the Arts, she also has a Ph.D. with specialization in modern women writers. She is the editor of The Gift by H.D.: The Complete Text (University Press of Florida, 1998) and has taught at Pratt Institute, The New School, and Naropa University. She lives in New York City and Westcliffe, Colorado.

About Arbor Vitae:

"Arbor Vitae supplies a key to memory of places, what makes them memorable, and moving. The Colorado mountains, Paris and the south of France, New York City streets—the poet’s view of these reminds us that the heart and spirit of Nature is always human nature.... Moi aussi je crois in the making of poems as wonderful as these. They are a real refreshment."
—Marie Ponsot

"Like the classical Chinese poets, her teachers, Jane Augustine seizes the natural world with her eyes. This is a poetry of memorable clarity and economy, from which the reader retains, first, visual impressions, in which the beauty of things and beings is perceived equally.... Then... the implications of human life, death and change take shape in an acuity of observation which one might also call wisdom.”
—Marilyn Hacker

"Wherever Jane Augustine is—at home or away, webbed in family or mobbed in city...her true subject is consciousness: how it is, what it is, what it is of. Her words move and touch lightly where ‘Art is a skewed composure/ of what isn’t yet mastered.’”
—Susan Tichy

"What a pleasure to read these poems, by a woman equally versed in the twentieth century’s avant gardes and in the specifics of natural history.... Arbor Vitae? Both metaphysical icon and one very particular cedar tree. This is ecological poetry of the highest order.”
—Andrew Schelling

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