
Today's poem is "Relevancy"
from Escape Velocity

Soft Skull Press

David Breskin is the author of a book of poems, Fresh Kills (Cleveland State University, 1997), a novel, The Real Life Diary of a Boomtown Girl (Viking, 1989); a play, "Kids in the Dark," and a collection of interviews with film directors Francis Coppola, David Cronenberg, David Lynch, Spike Lee, Oliver Stone, Clint Eastwood, Robert Altman and Tim Burton, Inner Views: Filmmakers in Conversation (Faber and Faber, 1992) and reprinted in a new and expanded edition by Da Capo in 1997. His poems have appeared in many periodicals, including The New Yorker, The Paris Review, DoubleTake, TriQuarterly, New American Writing, Parnassus, Salmagundi, Quarterly West and Boulevard.

About Escape Velocity:

"I have never read anything like it. Breskin has the eye of a great filmmaker and the ear of a great musician."

"David Breskin's Escape Velocity is torqued with rage at the world as he finds it, 'a micro avalanche of each soul's presence'. With formal precision and clarity, he elucidates the sorrows of our times, an unflinching and brave indictment of the spoils of life's wars, both personal and political. Underneath the polemics is a poet's love: 'your future,/ your child, this infancy of your desire.'"
—Ann Lauterbach

"In David Breskin's Escape Velocity, ferocity and speed don't preclude clarity of critique, and the techtonic instabilities of metaphor's capacity for disruption is married to a clarity of focus, producing a vivid, Baroque pageantry that defies chronology in favor of synchronicity, that gives us panoramas of wrecks. Rare to find poetry that is so confrontational, so avid to go to the hot spots, to risk being brutal in the service of truth while preserving such formal elegance. Unflinching, these poems roar like Cassandra with disastrous moment: it's a transfixing sound."
—Dean Young

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