
Today's poem is by Paula Cisewski

What Was Your First Concert?

My first concert was a red leaf
My first concert was waiting for a ghost in the woods
Or the tiny motor that runs your love

Once I was addicted to absence
Thief of everything green
Batting at nothing that's visible to me

My first concert was a cricket in a matchbox
A chorus of masking and unmasking
So loud you didn't have to think

A horn section swaying in sharkskin
My first concert was the treeline's
sunset impression smeared on the mirror

of the river and the current a goodbye underneath
A song from memory comes on the radio and time's
accordion squeezes in or the door slams

shut on the moment and everything goes white
I was singing along to stay alive
My first concert was a hammock swaying greenless leaves

How is it you make me want to repeat everything, everything
My first concert was seeking a second heartbeat
Unapologetic, undaunted by a missed leap

Copyright © 2023 Paula Cisewski All rights reserved
from 32 Poems
Reprinted by Verse Daily® with permission

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