
Today's poem is "Modern Ruins"
from The Way a Wound Becomes a Scar

Kelsay Books

Emily Schulten is the author of one previous collection of poems, Rest in Black Haw. Her work appears in Ploughshares, The Missouri Review, Massachusetts Review, and Tin House, among others. Originally from Bowling Green, Kentucky, she holds a master’s degree from Western Kentucky University and a Ph.D. from Georgia State University. She is a professor of English and creative writing at The College of the Florida Keys in Key West, Florida, where she lives with her husband and their son.

Books by Emily Schulten:

Other poems on the web by Emily Schulten:
"Born Under the Veil"
"Tracheal Intubation"
"Navigating the Afterlife (Burial Goods)"
"Simple Math"

Emily Schulten's Website.

Emily Schulten on Twitter.

About The Way a Wound Becomes a Scar:

"The Way a Wound Becomes a Scar is a stunning volume of poems, truly a book of the body, both literally and metaphorically, that beautifully blends concision and stylistic grace. Especially moving is its swift, precise narrative, articulated with enormous lyric depth, of a kidney transplant from sister to brother. I have no trouble ranking Emily Schulte among our most promising younger poets."
—B.H. Fairchild

"To read The Way a Wound Becomes a Scar is to enter a world of deep pain and deep beauty, and to exit with a renewed faith in the regenerative power of story, memory, and myth. In this extraordinary collection, Emily Schulten moves beyond the story of a life-saving kidney transplant to probe the edges of familial and romantic love and the connections that bind us all. With images as precise as a scalpel's blade, these captivating, necessary poems will linger in the body and mind long after the book is closed."
—Chelsea Rathburn

"These are poems of sacrifice and love, of learning how to live in the real world. They offer no easy answers. Emily Schulten is young and energetic and talented. She will leave her mark on American poetry."
—David Bottoms

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