
Today's poem is "Water Above, Water Below"
from Make For Higher Ground

Barefoot Muse Press

Diane Lee Moomey has lived and wandered around the US and Canada, and now dips her gardener's hands in California dirt. She co-hosts a monthly Poetry series in Half Moon Bay. A regular reader at San Francisco Bay Area poetry venues, her work has appeared in Light, The MacGuffin, THINK, Mezzo Cammin, MacQueen's Quinterly, California Poetry Quarterly, Caesura and Red Wheelbarrow, and been nominated for a Pushcart prize. She has won prizes in the Sonnet and Creative Non-Fiction categories of the Soul Making Keats Literary Contest, and in the Ina Coolbrith Circle. Her most recent poetry collection, Make For Higher Ground, published by Barefoot Muse Press, is available now.

Books by Diane Lee Moomey:

Other poems on the web by Diane Lee Moomey:
Three poems
Two poems
Two poems
"Full Circle"
"God even"

Diane Lee Moomey's Website.

About Make For Higher Ground:

"In Make for Higher Ground, Diane Lee Moomey exudes a quiet bemusement and tender buoyancy as she meditates on lasting and ephemeral relationships, both human and elemental. With a delicious assortment of meters and forms—not unlike the mango, figs, grapes and cheeses of 'Pandemic Picnic, a proposal'—Moomey delights and nourishes readers with her camellia petals, tide pools, purple gloves, red canoe, 'whistle/of blackbirds and of train.' Truly, all of the poems in Make for Higher Ground illuminate and inspire us."
—Kathleen McClung

"Diane Lee Moomey moves through a poem, as often as not, through a kind of meandering, a seemingly casual process of observation that builds on itself until it blossoms, revealing itself as the gift of a passionate heart, cool mind, and keen eye. The work of a serious and riveting visual artist as well as a poet, Moomey's poems are endowed with a rich, varied experience of life and a capacious imagination."
—Annie Finch

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