
Today's poem is by Catherine Pierce


Dear spring, commit. Burst
your bee-and-bloom, your blaze
of blue, get heady, get frocked,
get spun. Enough with your tentative
little breaths, your one-day-daffodils/
one-day-dewfrost. Honeysuckle us
right to our knees. Wake us
with your all-night mockingbirds,
your rowdy tree frogs. Gust
and dust us. Pollen-bomb the Hondas
and front halls, but please, no more
of this considering. This delicate-
tendrilling. Your pale green
worries me. Your barely-tuliped
branches, your slim shoots
any sideways look could doom.
The truth is I don't want to think
about fragility anymore. I can't
handle a blown-glass season,
every grass blade and dogwood
so wreckable. I'm trying hard
to teach the infallibility
of nightlights, to ignore the revving
of my own fallible heart. Spring,
you're not helping. Go all in.
Throw your white blossoms
into my gutters. Flood
my garage, mud my new shoes,
leave me afternoon-streaked
and sweating. Vine yourself
around me. Hold me
to you. Tighter.

Copyright © 2020 Catherine Pierce All rights reserved
from 32 Poems
Reprinted by Verse Daily® with permission

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