
Today's poem is "With"
from Plain Talk Rising


Mark Dow was born in 1961 in Houston, Texas. He attended Yale University and the University of California, Irvine, and he teaches at Hunter College in New York. He is also the author of American Gulag: Inside U.S. Immigration Prisons (University of California Press, 2004) and co-editor of Machinery of Death: The Reality of America's Death Penalty Regime (Routledge, 2002). His chapbook "Feedback" and Other Conversation Poems appears at Mudlark: An Electronic Journal of Poetry and Poetics (2015).

Books by Mark Dow:

Other poems on the web by Mark Dow:
Fourteen poems
Two poems
Two poems
Four poems

About Plain Talk Rising:

"Mark Dow's Plain Talk Rising hovers above poetry and prose. It also transmutes one into the other. 'The past, alight, hovers nearby with open eyes.' You will simply have to find your seat in the dark theater without flashlight or usher. Once seated, you will begin to identify with the author seated at his desk, dropping down the words toward the white landing area below. 'Oh and another thing.' (He is talking to you). The words stay there, falling into place when you have closed this unforgettable book, funny and wise."
—David Rosenberg

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