
Today's poem is by Jaimie Gusman

Route 9

Fire * crept * up * the * American * flag *
In * the * report * I * said *
I * didn't * start * it * didn't * break *
Laws * to * be * here * didn't * stay * to * watch *
The * house * turn * to * paper * I * listen *
To * stories * like * this * and * others * who *
Have * pictures * on * their * phones * but *
Nowhere * to * charge * their * phones *
& * there * is * crying *
not * only * in * their * stories *
but * also * made * from * their * stories *
I * find * my * daughter's * hairs * in * my * pocket *
& * remember * the * hairbrush * I * gave * her *
"Mommy's" * she * said * "beautiful * hair" *
We * are * the * same * I * always * told * her *
Hair * is * our * fragile * keeper *
& * most * flammable * at * night *
Our * relatives * heard * knocking *
& * succumbed * to * the * knocks *
Babygirl * I * will * not * teach * you *
Your * body * is * not * a * hidden * treasure *
You * must * move * like * flames *

Copyright © 2019 Jaimie Gusman All rights reserved
from Black Warrior Review
Reprinted by Verse Daily® with permission

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