
Today's poem is by Mike White


Off the interstate
a girl in the traditional
if not My Little Pony sense
of the term who works
I'm guessing three nights a week
at McDonald's can be seen
speed-limping in full uniform
across eight lanes of stop and go
traffic to meet her boyfriend (not
a boy) in the blotchy shadows
behind the Wendy's parking lot.

There they are, half-hidden, half-,
when he bends to light
her cigarette from his cupped hands,
their cap brims touching
in the sudden orange aura.

I think crush
and in the same breath,

Here is someplace that is
never not light,
and the stars, as a consequence,
do not shine, do not work.

Copyright © 2018 Mike White All rights reserved
from Addendum to a Miracle
The Waywiser Press
Reprinted by Verse Daily® with permission

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