
Today's poem is "Owls"
from At the Great Door of Morning

Copper Canyon Press

Robert Hedin was born in 1949 in Minnesota. He is the author, translator, and editor of nearly two dozen books of poetry and prose, including At the Great Door of Morning: Selected Poems and Translations. Awards for his work include three National Endowment for the Arts Fellowships in Poetry, a Bush Foundation Artist Fellowship, and a McKnight Foundation Fellowship. He has taught at Sheldon Jackson College, the Anchorage and Fairbanks campuses of the University of Alaska, the University of Minnesota, St. Olaf College, and Wake Forest University. He is Director Emeritus of the Anderson Center for Interdisciplinary Studies and lives in Frontenac, Minnesota.

Books by Robert Hedin:

Other poems on the web by Robert Hedin:
Seven poems

Robert Hedin's Website.

Robert Hedin According to Wikipedia.

About At the Great Door of Morning:

"There isn't a flaw or misstep or a lack of humility on a single page. . . . I invite you to turn to just one page, to any page, and to let what's there wash over you with its beauty, its clarity, its precision, and its delicately balanced emotional weight."
—Ted Kooser

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