
Today's poem is "Done"
from Subterranean


Richard Greenfield is the author of three books of poetry: Subterranean (Omnidawn), Tracer (Omnidawn), and A Carnage in the Lovetrees (University of California). His work has been anthologized in Joyful Noise: An Anthology of American Spiritual Poetry (Autumn House Press), The Arcadia Project: North American Postmodern Pastoral (Ahsahta Books), and most recently in Privacy Policy: The Anthology of Surveillance Poetics (Black Ocean). He is one of the founding editors of Apostrophe Books, a small press of poetry, and is editor-in-chief of Puerto del Sol. He was recently a Fulbright Senior Lecturer in American Poetry at Ewha Woman's University in Korea, and is currently a professor of creative writing at New Mexico State University.

Books by Richard Greenfield:

Other poems on the web by Richard Greenfield:
"Piece Together"
Two poems

Richard Greenfield's Website.

Richard Greenfield on Twitter.

About Subterranean:

"With transcriptions, lyric interludes, and thick description, Richard Greenfield speaks to, for, and about the dead, and in particular his father, lost to the larger orders of the kingdom of the gone. The poems in Subterranean sing through all of it reminding us that poetry has a vital role to play in the act of living and dying. It's gorgeous and heady work."
—Peter Gizzi

"Like oracular and elegaic poets from Alice Notley to Itö Hiromi to Whitman, Richard Greenfield holds out to us a fistful of blooms at once lotusy and razory; his verses change the vision and cut the palm. Subterranean is a katabasis for the dispossessed, mourners and migrants who have not been granted a trip to Elysium but must instead tread and retread the American desert border: 'giant yucca strained the ejecta/I had no tactic.' This book reminds us that elegy does not help us reach a horizon line but, by obsessively mapping the distance to it, increases that unbreachable distance. The grief of Subterranean, then, is that it is ultimately terranean."
—Joyelle McSweeney

"One of the most enduring specters haunting American Letters for over 150 years has been Emily Dickinson. From her fiery lineage, poets as diverse as Lorine Niedecker, Fanny Howe, Rae Armentrout, and other intrepid inner rebels have kept the revolution of the continuous critique of prefabricated self-&-society going strong. And out of this feast of plucked flowers and winnowed seeds, comes yet another scuffed up sensitive soul ready to not just 'take flight' (in either a romantic or 'avant' mode) but rather, foot-steady to burrow deep into the soil of materialist deliverance. Tending to the roots of our epoch, until the scowling winds of Vain Authority subside, Richard Greenfield (poet of uncommon touch, deft discrimination, fortitude, and tactical self evacuation), is carting over a barrel of wicked hooch for us tonight. Let's give this tome a real read, huh?"
—Rodrigo Toscano

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