
Today's poem is "[I will misunderstand for a long time]"
from risk :: nonchalance


Laura Neuman is the author of Stop the Ocean (Stockport Flats 2014) and The Busy Life (Gazing Grain 2012). Her/their poems have appeared in Troubling the Line: Trans and Genderqueer Poetry and Poetics (Chax Press and Nightboat Books), and in the journals The Brooklyn Rail, EOAGH, small portions, Tinge, X Poetics, Fact-simile, La Norda Specialo, and The Encyclopedia Project. They live in Philadelphia and teach creative and critical writing and literature, variously, at Temple University, Community College of Philadelphia, and The College of New Jersey. The recipient of an award from The Fund for Poetry, they hold an M.F.A. from Bard College Milton Avery School of the Arts, and an M.A. in poetry from Temple University.

Books by Laura Neuman:

Other poems on the web by Laura Neuman:
Three poems
"succulents are microaggressions"

About risk :: nonchalance:

"Laura Neuman's risk :: nonchalance goes for everything, and the discrete — that is, the writing has the breadth of vision to see the whole moving vibratory insane social structure we over-populate andthe humor to refuse its feints of distillation. Her poetry doesn't override its questions with control, knows you can't replace singularity with a bigger one just to play at consolation, gets truly right in—close to being—with as a place the dance comes out of, & has a working playful definition of failure akin to most people's definition of completion. I love the way this work turns in on itself without alarm & comes out funny and strong, linked to observation in a way that lets wanting 'to take you / somewhere so / specific it doesn't / matter where we / go' be exact and wise and wide open as sound."
—Anselm Berrigan

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