
Today's poem is "Seven Year Quake"
from Earthquake Daily

New Michigan Press

Jacqueline Lyons is the author of the poetry collections The Way They Say Yes Here (Hanging Loose Press), which won a Peace Corps Writers Best Poetry Book Award, Lost Colony (Dancing Girl Press), the nonfiction manuscript Breakdown of Poses, which was a finalist for the AWP Award Series Prize in Creative Nonfiction, and a new poetry collection forthcoming in 2018 from Barrow Street Press. She is Associate Professor of English and Creative Writing at California Lutheran University, and lives on the southern segment of the San Andreas fault.

Books by Jacqueline Lyons:

Other poems on the web by Jacqueline Lyons:
"Retsepile, Ausi oa ka"
Three poems

About Earthquake Daily:

"Highly inventive, these poems feel driven by emotional and cultural urgency, as earthquakes shock every part of the system, personal and collective. This is a world where the U.S. Geological Survey monitors catastrophes of mind and heart, where a quake strikes 'during 47% of our waking hours when we were thinking about something other than what was actually happening.' Poems for our shook times."
—Dana Levin

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