
Today's poem is by Mary Cisper

After My Brother Dies, A Dream

You marry a woman named Rose
and move to Vermont
where it snows and snows.
One of my names is Rose and between
here and there, mountains, lakes,
more mountains. What happens
in Vermont is unknown to everyone.
Covered bridges, maple syrup,
horses tearing flowers with huge
autumn teeth on postcards.
You're disappearing,
what will you do next.
I miss the snow for ten minutes.
Vermont's another country
no one goes to. It will be colder,
where are the right clothes.
The rose is tired of lifting such weather,
what are russet horses to me.
The ice inside this movie is not
melting. Maples lose their leaves
everywhere. The capital is not Burlington.
Snow is shaking inside a red
bouquet like Miss America.
A body already sat up in bed.
By now, Vermont is invisible.
The bridges not to be imagined.

Copyright © 2017 Mary Cisper All rights reserved
from Dark Tussock Moth
Trio House Press
Reprinted by Verse Daily® with permission

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