
Today's poem is "Carnival of Tears"
from Ghost Stations

Tsukuda Island Press

Richard Milazzo is a critic, curator, publisher, independent scholar and poet. A book of his early poetry, Alogon (1969-1981), was published by Tokyo Publishing House in Tokyo in May 2007. Other books of poetry include Hotel of the Heart (Pavia, Italy: Nightmail, 2002); Le Violon d'lngres (Bomarzo, Italy: Nightmail, 2004); Along the Hudson, with drawings by Abraham David Christian (Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Publishing House, 2006); Il facchino di Venezia (The Porter of Venice) (Venice: Sotoportego, 2007); Green Nights I Golgotha I Love's Quarrel (Belgrade, Serbia, 2007); Stone Dragon Bridge (Modena, Italy: Mazzoli Editore, 2007; An Earring Depending from the Moon (Venice: Sotoportego, 2008); Circus in the Fog (Venice: Sotoportego, 2009); The Fishmonger's Door: Poems of Modena 2000-2008, with photographs by Carlo Benvenuto (Modena, Italy: Mazzoli Editore, 2009); Eastern Shadows (Craiova, Romania: Scrisul Romanesc, 2010); Keats Dying in Your Arms (Brussels, Belgium: Editions Passage St.-Hubert, 2010); With Grass Ropes We Dragged the World to Her in Wooden Boats: Poems of Jordan, Syria and Egypt 2008 (with works on paper by Alessandro Twombly) (Turin, Italy: Paolo Torti degli Alberti, 2011); Small China Moon (Udine, Italy: Campanotto Editore, in 2010); Where Angels Arch Their Backs and Dogs Pass Through (Craiova, Romania: Scrisul Romanesc, 2012); Frost Heaves (with drawings by William Anastasi) (Turin, Italy: Libri Canali Bassi, 2013); A Prayer in a Wolfs Mouth and Like Branches to Wind (with watercolors by Charles Clough) (Turin, Italy: Lower Canal Books, 2014); Road Narrows: Poems of Tunisia (Craiova, Romania: Scrisul Romanesc, 2014); A Tattoo in Morocco: Poems 2007 (with drawings by Mimmo Paladino) (Modena: Galleria Mazzoli, 2015); and Storyville: Poems 2010 (Tokyo - Hayama: Tsukuda Island Press, 2017). He lives and works in New York City.

Books by Richard Milazzo:

Richard Milazzo's Website.

Richard Milazzo According to Wikipedia.

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