
Today's poem is by Noah Blaustein

How I Made My Money

I went to the loon and swapped

a "hello" for its mournful

song. I went to the barn and exchanged

a fistful of wasps for a swallow's iridescence.

I sold letters of absolution as Christmas

gifts to the Lehman brothers. I made

my money the old fashioned way—I told

a bull one thing and a bear another. I executed

iron butterflies and short straddled

the black crowned Phoebe's pessimistic

black skull. No photo of me can be taken

without a price. When twelve hundred and fifty

blackbirds fell from the sky in a small

midwest town, I shorted avian futures. Dawn

was a gray mist and the red stripes

on those birds' black wings

cut through the steam of Omaha's

coffee cups. I got out of the market

on a Fibonacci sun flower sequence high

and bought back in on a cheetah spot sequence low

I am the new soul of this country.

Go long on the cloud.

Copyright © 2013 Noah Blaustein All rights reserved
from Pleiades
Reprinted by Verse Daily® with permission

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