
Today's poem is "Blanks"

from Indiana Review

Kimberly Johnson is the author of two collections of poetry, Leviathan with a Hook and A Metaphorical God (Persea Books, 2002 and 2008), and of a translation, Virgil's Georgics: A Poem of the Land (Penguin Classics, 2009). Her third poetry collection is being completed with the support of a Guggenheim Fellowship. Her work has appeared recently in The New Yorker and Slate.

Other poems by Kimberly Johnson in Verse Daily:
December 9, 2009:   "Pitbull" "what can you suppose I want from you?..."
September 18, 2008:   "Love Song" "Stay, adder, startled from the spikenard..."
July 23, 2008:   "Jubilee" "No seduction in the hothouse, its aisles..."
May 31, 2007:   "Than longen folk to goon on pilgrimages" " Prayed loud all night and so humbled over..."
January 11, 2007:   "On Divination by Birds" " Try a small black radio from any year..."
January 2, 2007:   "Easter, Looking Westward" " The stars! the stars have fled the sky!..."
July 9, 2003:  "Sonnet" "No seduction in the hothouse, its aisles..."

Books by Kimberly Johnson:

Other poems on the web by Kimberly Johnson:
"A Nocturnal Upon Saint Charles Yeager’s Day"
"Marking the Lambs"

Kimberly Johnson's Web site.

Kimberly Johnson according to Wikipedia.

Kimberly Johnson on Twitter.

About Indiana Review:

Subscription: $16
Indiana Review * College of Liberal Arts * 8600 University Boulevard * Evansville, Indiana 47712
Poetry Editor: Matthew R. Graham
Other poems by Indiana Review in Verse Daily:
April 1, 2013:   "The Comet" by Emma Törzs
March 27, 2013:   "Windigo, OH" by Michael O. Marberry
March 25, 2013:   "Doom Is the House without the Door" by Jennifer Chang

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