
Today's poem is "Hearing is a Talent That Must be Honed"

from Cutbank

Brianna Noll is a doctoral candidate in the Program for Writers at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Blackbird, Salamander, The Pinch, Redivider, Cimarron Review, and elsewhere.

Other poems on the web by Brianna Noll:
Five poems
"Franz Liszt Snores Like a Buzzsaw"
"Lace Factory"
"Because Audrey Hepburn Movie Marathons Give Me Ideas"
"After Killing the Giant Spider in Your New Apartment, I Dreamed of Its Vengeance"

Brianna Noll's Blog.

Brianna Noll's Website.

About Cutbank:

Subscription: $10
Cutbank * College of Liberal Arts * 8600 University Boulevard * Evansville, Indiana 47712
Poetry Editors Lauren de Paepe * Kate Di Nitto * Khaty Xiong
Other poems by Cutbank in Verse Daily:

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