
Today's poem is "A solitude of the ear buoys the breath's answer"
from Severance Songs

Tupelo Press

Joshua Corey graduated from Vassar College in 1993 and earned an M.A. in English literature and an M.F.A. in creative writing from the University of Montana. He was awarded a Stegner Fellowship in creative writing from Stanford University in 1999, and received his Ph.D. in English from Cornell University in 2007. He is the author of Selah (Barrow Street, 2003), Fourier Series (Spineless Books, 2005), and two chapbooks. He teaches at Lake Forest College in Illinois.

Other poems by Joshua Corey in Verse Daily:

Books by Joshua Corey:

Other poems on the web by Joshua Corey:
Three poems
"A Fine Romance"
"Stage Blood on the Mouths of the Eumenides"
"Dissolved Soviet"

Joshua Corey's Blog.

Joshua Corey on Twitter.

About Severance Songs:

"Joshua Corey's book of sonnets is formally playful and emotionally raw, with an intensity of expression that is at times harrowing.... The result is `a tale told in the teeth of supple windowglass.' It is indeed the suppleness of the poet's voice, in concert with his loves, fears, and the voices that he has `stood upon,' that makes Severance Songs such an extraordinary volume of poetry."
Paul Hoover

"In Severance Songs, Joshua Corey tends to the always-mysterious border that connects the interior and the exterior.... The architecture of the poem, he reveals, is replete with doors and windows and it is for us to discover whether we are looking in or looking out."
—Elizabeth Robinson

"These songs shuttle between a past and a future, cast adrift or severed from a violent, ashen present into a necessary untimeliness.... Citations abound-Shakespearean, biblical-less as neomodernist instruction than as eruption from the logomass, echoic contributions to the extended, fractured cri de Coeur. No unitary subject in sight, he does the voices, beginning with the jackass poet's bray, ah Bottom. Angel of history with pointy ears, history as a dust storm or a dung heap of malevolent fools and endless war. What then of the sonnet, repository of desire and enemy of time? It is, as ever, that form by which we re-imagine subjectivity to confront altered circumstances, and to assess `the shipwreck of the singular' in the maelstrom of the many. ... Even homeless, even speaking against, the poet is part and parcel of the decaying body, sojourner in the Palestine Hotel.... Even in severance there is a bond."
—Michael Palmer

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