
Today's poem is "Obituary"
from The Least of These

Michigan State University Press

Todd Davis is winner of the Gwendolyn Brooks Poetry Prize and teaches Creative Writing, Environmental Studies, and American Literature at Penn State Altoona. His poems have been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and have appeared in numerous journals and radio broadcasts. He is the author of two books of poetry, Some Heaven and <>Ripe.

Books by Todd Davis:

Other poems on the web by Todd Davis:
"The Least of Things"
Two poems
Three poems
Two poems

About The Least of These:

"Many poets feel that they know the natural world, but Todd Davis has absorbed this world fully into his heart and mind. He is a fine, rare poet."
—Jim Harrison

"Todd Davis writes poems of passion and compassion about every living thing. The body, sensuality, and the divine share a loving residence in these poems that see and say all things holy. Rarely has gentleness felt so forceful or have images been so deftly allied on the page. This book is a hymnal for anyone who loves nature and hungers for its surprising presence in heart and mind."
—Allison Hawthorne Deming

"I love the integrity, sincerity, and wisdom of Todd Davis's poems. He is unafraid to write out of a deep faith-both religious faith and faith in the natural world. In a poetic landscape that often seems biased toward the cynical and clever, Davis's poems unapologetically strive for the mountaintop. They make clear that the natural world still has a few things to teach us, or it reminds us of things we once knew but have forgotten. They sing with imagistic intensity, and their hard-hitting rhythms accentuate the world's natural pulse. The restraint and humility of these poems belies their underlying passion and commitment. They are pure and sharp, so sharp they cut."
—Jim Daniels

"As a poet matures, if things are going well, he becomes progressively unhinged in the best way: daring more intuitive conjunctions of image and idea, re-associating the sensibility of our stunned and over-thought world. It's a joy to see Todd Davis growing into this limnal space. The best poems here bring back a word from the prophetic edge."
—Mary Rose O'Reilley

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