
Today's poem is "The Religion of Birds"
from The Beaded Curtain

Spire Press

Megan O'Reilly Green grew up in Washington state. She studied at The Evergreen State College before moving south to serve as assistant editor of Rattle magazine. Her poems have appeared in such publications as 32 Poems, Connecticut River Review, Crab Creek Review, Hawaii Pacific Review, Ninth Letter, Peterson Literary Review, and Apple Valley Review. She is married to poet Timothy Green and lives in Los Angeles.

Books by Megan O'Reilly Green:

About The Beaded Curtain:

"Whether pondering remnants of the Holocaust, the soul's dimensions: Is it bigger than a bread box? Can you freeze it?, or an existential moment watching a boy comb a river for fish, this bold, inquisitive poet pays unflagging attention to the world's everyday beauty and decay. The result is a collection of poetry that delivers the goods, line after standout line."
—Michelle Bitting

"Instead of "follow me," Green's poetry is more "come and see," and speaks to us as though through a beaded curtain, leaving many of life's uncertainties uncertain, but always complicated and confronted in the proper places and ways. If you find yourself, as I do, wondering occasionally about the last time you were spoken to crucially, this collection will provide an excellent answer, and the answer will be more resounding after each reading."
—Erik Campbell

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