
Today's poem is "How to Do It"
from Bray

Elixir Press

Paul Gibbons grew up in the south-western corner of Colorado. He has since lived in Florida, Massachusetts, Spain and New Mexico. Though proud of having most recently taught inmates at a county jail, he now teaches at the University of California at Merced. His work has been published in journals such as The Massachusetts Review, Poet Lore, FIELD, and The Modern Review.

Other poems by Paul Gibbons at Verse Daily:
January 10, 2006:   "The 'There' There" " Where the sea is sharpest, it is joining the land...."

Books by Paul Gibbons: Bray

Other poems on the web by Paul Gibbons:
"Fugue: In Medias Res"
"Quantum Elegy"

About Bray:

"Just as other noise-making animals do, by our sounds we let one another know we're alive. Poetry arises from this wild cacophony of spirit., will, desire and love. Paul Gibbons exacts from our language sayings heretofore unsaid; his observations are acutely realized in sonic realms and sensible logics. We're lucky to have a new voice bringing us news we need."
—Dara Wier

"Here is a book full of antic grace and switch-back, track-switching trains of thought. Here is a maze with a mule finding its way. To beauty and loss and loveliness we are carried safely through these poems. Gibbons' obsessive lyric is a pack animal and a hybrid thing. "Bray" announces a wild talent. Here is a book with wings."
—Steve Scafidi

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