
Today's poem is "Chagall Takes a Prisoner"
from The Importance of Peeling Potatoes in Ukraine

Penguin Poets

Mark Yakich lives in New Orleans.

Other poems by Mark Yakich in Verse Daily:
October 8, 2006:   "Aerialist" " He's still as tall as ever..."
January 30, 2005:  "Dear Birds" "Much is made of the size of your heart...."
January 21, 2003:  "The Teller is the Only Survivor of the Fairy-Tale Ending" "On the eve of never departing at least there are no bags..."

Books by Mark Yakich: The Importance of Peeling Potatoes in Ukraine, The Making of Collateral Beauty, Unrelated Individuals Forming a Group Waiting to Cross

Other poems on the web by Mark Yakich:
Three poems
Three poems
Two poems
Two poems
"Reluctant Prophet"
"New Love Poem"
"Working Girl"
Two poems
"Small Men Make Love on Stilts"
"Dreams Hardly Ever Seem to Change Things for the Better"
Two poems
"Lay My Burden Down"

Mark Yakich's Home Page.

Mark Yakich according to Wikipedia.

About The Importance of Peeling Potatoes in Ukraine:

"If you are curious about how boy scouts might speak when they reach purgatory, then read The Importance of Peeling Potatoes in Ukraine. You will need to imagine the world you live in is purgatory, and that you are mostly oblivous to its, that is your, sin. In this new book, Mark Yakich brings us the news: not a pretty story: sorrow, rage, violence and pity laced with bad-boy indiscretions, and the clarity of an alarm sounded in heaven."
—Ann Lauterbach

"A great poet will necessarily write an ethical primer in the middle of the 'fucking mess' that is always literature, a primer that will tow and yank and jerk us back to some ordinary good, reminding us that the first use of poetry lies in prayer, spell and curse: in the re-enchantment of a messed up world. Yakich is just such a poet. He is a poet like none other."
—Gabriel Gudding

"Urgent, absurd, heart-broken and lewd—the emotional range of this book is beyond our measuring systems."
—Matthea Harvey

"Who but Houdini should appear in a poem entitled 'Pretzels Come to America'? Houdini (and maybe pretzels too) perfectly suit the wily verve of this collection. Mark Yakich prods and parodies Politics and Culture, enchanting us with his imaginative contortions of our world. Outraged, hilarious and compassionate, his poems are filled with more satire and jeopardy than anything going today."
—Terrance Hayes

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