

Verse Daily is happy to consider for features all published magazines, books, anthologies, and chapbooks of poetry. Please note, Publishers, that by submitting your book or chapbook to Verse Daily, you thereby imply your permission to reprint from that publication. We would appreciate contact information for the author, but will attempt to contact the author, on our own as a step in our process.


If you are an author submitting your own book for feature consideration, you thereby imply by that submission your permission for Verse Daily to reprint and archive your work. We will also accept contributor copy submissions from magazine contributors. Please, however, include an email address for the magazine's editor. Please do not mail or email us your previously published poems, unless in the intact magazine. If you do not wish to part with your contributor copy, contact the editors and request they send a review copy to us. We do NOT consider unpublished work, and if you send us unpublished and unprinted material in email, it will not be responded to, nor will followup inquiries about said correspondence.

Verse Daily
99 Main Street
# 670
Warrenton, OR  97146

For WEB WEEKLY considerations, editors please add us to your announcements list so we know when a new issue is available for review. Author submissions of links will not be considered. Our email address is versedaily (at symbol) yahoo (period) com.

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