
Today's poem is "Your Daily Horoscope"
from Your Daily Horoscope

New Michigan Press

Nik De Dominic believes in the stars. Work has appeared in Los Angeles Review, Harpur Palate, Guernica, DIAGRAM, and elsewhere. He is a founding editor of The Offending Adam and a poetry editor of New Orleans Review. He lectures in The Writing Program at the University of Southern California and lives in Los Angeles with his partner Janna and their leash aggressive dog, Dinah.

Books by Nik De Dominic:

Other poems on the web by Nik De Dominic:
Three poems
Three poems

Nik De Dominic According to Wikipedia.

About Your Daily Horoscope:

"I want to read one of these in my newspaper daily and then when they're done to get them in my newspaper all over again from the beginning. They are keen, talky, funny, immediate, clear, kind, and more. Welcome to a beguiling set of new constellations."
—Aimee Bender

"The future cannot exist without the invention of debt, debt that bonds us with time beyond the immediate. Oh, and we owe much to the prescient prestidigitation of Your Daily Horoscope's imperative and dimension-warping poems that, time and time again, rip time a new portal. And predictably you always and already know that when you read this book you will find yourself finding yourself in those past pasts and in those future futures. And there you are being struck dumb by the brilliant anticipatory insight and elegant grace of this work--the smart smartness, the dumbest of luck."
—Michael Martone

"Equal parts hilarious, perplexing, and touching, these gently sardonic love songs to the quotidian bounce along like visionary tumbleweeds on a mission to gather up all the detritus, absurdity, music, and stink of the human condition. Masterfully messy when messy is called for, taut where it counts, these poems remind me of lying on the carpet at 2am with a spectacularly charming friend, the scent of jasmine and some random neighbor's takeout co-mingling into a really astonishing jazz."
—Louise Mathias

"De Dominic's YOUR DAILY HOROSCOPE does what no longer seemed possible in the so-called Modern Age: it rejuvenates an old, mostly maligned form. Open these pages and prepare yourself to be foiled, to be surprised inside each poem and from one poem to another. What feels unlikely at first will soon feel fated, but the reverse won't always be true: the stars, De Dominic intuits, are and are not for you."
—Mark Yakich

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