
Today's poem is "Learning to Weather"
from Local News from Someplace Else

Wipf and Stock Publishers

Marjorie Maddox has published Perpendicular As I (Sandstone Book Award); Transplant, Transport, Transubstantiation (Yellowglen Prize); Weeknights at the Cathedral; five chapbooks; and two children's books. Coeditor of Common Wealth: Contemporary Poets on Pennsylvania and recipient of numerous literary honors, she earned degrees from Wheaton College, University of Louisville, and Cornell University, which awarded her the Sage Graduate Fellowship for an MFA in poetry.

Books by Marjorie Maddox:

Other poems on the web by Marjorie Maddox:
Three poems
"Afternoon Nap"
"A Colleague Falls to His Death at Niagara Falls"

Marjorie Maddox's Website.

About Local News from Someplace Else:

"Marjorie Maddox's newest book offers visions of disaster, tempered by a mother's hope. In taut language, these poems move into the center of familiar tragedies, often lifted from the news—9/11, school shootings, kidnappings, floods, and hurricanes—rendering each one personal. Local News from Someplace Else is a reminder that what separates us from destruction are sheer luck (or grace) and the insistence of life itself."
—Shara McCallum

"Marjorie Maddox brings us Local News from Someplace Else, a 'brief alphabet of grief,' 'where loss . . . flies fastest / in the smallest of words': hurricanes, fires, school shootings, mine cave-ins. But she is also a reporter of joy: births, barbecues, retirement parties, hotel rooms with 'the hundred-plus / channels of cable / deliciously at our command.' 'We are in love / with room service at midnight,' Maddox writes, and you will be too."
—Barbara Crooker

"Marjorie Maddox's poems move with faith and grace through the violent landscapes of contemporary America, through the humdrum chores of parenting and work, through the thin spaces that divide the living from the dead. Hers is a poetry haunted by the presence of survivors, and, as she confesses, 'What we hold / is ourselves holding on.' In the gift of her deeply reflective poems, we glimpse 'the sad joy that lets her see / all that the world is.'"
—Todd Davis

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