
Today's poem is "Uncle Kenny"
from Isthmus

Mutabilis Press

Dan Rifenburgh was born May 24, 1949 in Elmira, New York. He attended the University of Louisville and served three years in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War, working as a military journalist. He completed a BA at Florida Atlantic University in 1981 and earned an MA from the University of Florida in 1987. He received the Robert H. Winner Memorial Award from the Poetry Society of America in 1996. His first book, Advent, was published in London by Waywiser Press in 2002 and received the Natalie Ornish Award from the Texas Institute of Letters (TIL). He was awarded a Dobie Paisano Fellowship from the University of Texas and the TIL in 2005. He was also invited to serve as a workshop instructor and editor on the National Endowment For the Arts Operation Homecoming initiative and the resulting anthology. His work has appeared in Paris Review, The New Republic, Southwest Review, New Criterion and other distinguished journals. After some years of college adjunct teaching he now drives an 18-wheeler flatbed rig, hauling steel out of the Port of Houston.

Books by Dan Rifenburgh:

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