
Today's poem is "[we stand in]"
from Swamp Isthmus

Black Ocean

Joshua Marie Wilkinson is the author of six books, the editor of two anthologies, and the codirector of a film about Califone with Solan Jensen. He lives in Tucson, where he teaches at the University of Arizona and works as an editor of The Volta and Letter Machine Editions.

Books by Joshua Marie Wilkinson:

Other poems on the web by Joshua Marie Wilkinson:
Three poems
Three poems
from The Book of the Umbrella
Two poems
Four poems
Two poems
Two poems
Five poems
"A Song Called Scrawl"
Two poems

Joshua Marie Wilkinson's Website.

Joshua Marie Wilkinson According to Wikipedia.

About Swamp Isthmus:

"I can’t remember the last time a book of poems gave me such a bewildered, deep pleasure. It’s as if Joshua Marie Wilkinson made himself translucent so that these perfect, mysterious arrangements of world and word could shimmer through. I waited on every word, every line break, consistently taken by surprise, totally convinced and awed."
—Maggie Nelson

"Swamp Isthmus puts into the eye everything you’ve ever imagined wanting but didn't know how to see. Star image, ‘a lake of bees’ over the eye-mind, what feeling is is what happens here. These poems know our questions before we know them, the things of our questions, and how we long into them—some deep yearning and also some re-recognition. I have a strong instinct to lick these pages."
—Dawn Lundy Martin

"Joshua Marie Wilkinson writes a vivid and exuberant poetry. The authentic and surprising associations of Swamp Isthmus construct signposts to lucid and informing mysteries. These poems possess an inviting ease with numerous melodies. Swamp Isthmus is a dazzling collection."
—Michael Burkard

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